According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 31% of U.S. adults experience an anxiety disorder at some time in their lives.

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At one point or another, you have had worry or fear about events in your life. You may worry about a late bill, or if your child studied enough for their exams. These are normal fears. However, for some, excessive worry is overwhelming. This worry becomes so intrusive for some that they may find it difficult to turn off their racing or intrusive thoughts that could potentially cause interference in daily activities, relationships, employment, school, and socialization. They have difficulty relaxing, feel keyed up, are easily tired, have difficulty concentrating, feel irritable, have muscle tension, sweats or shakes, feel apprehensive, or have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or early morning awakening.

Some people struggle with anxiety to the point of having panic attacks. Somatic symptoms include heart palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, feelings of choking, or feeling a sense of being out of control or feeling an intense fear that something bad is about to happen.

Some people struggle with feeling highly anxious in a social situation, they may fear judgement, rejection or humiliation. They tend to try to stay away from social situations due to fear. They may have difficulty speaking in front of groups or directly to people. The somatic symptoms can include an upset stomach, sweating, blushing, or their mind going blank.

Some people may experience anxiety symptoms based on a specific stimulus: public speaking, clowns, spiders, storms, driving, tests, etc.

*Therapist does not provide medication management

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, there is help for you to help you gain control over your life.

Give me a call at (704) 890-8333 and we will work on a treatment plan to address your specific needs.

American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2013

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health. (2015). NIMH Health Topics page on Anxiety Disorders. Retrieved from